Monday, January 15, 2018

Access to F17 & Prior Semesters

Need to access old classes for backup or students have Incompletes?  You need access to the
"OLD LEARN" Moodle

Courses from Fall 2017, Summer 2017, and Spring 2017 exist at
*All of these courses are “Hidden” from students at this time.
If students need to access materials for these courses, faculty must:
1.       Login at , the login button is in the upper right, use your current VSC credentials
2.    To enable the course to “show” for students:
Course Administration-->Edit Settings --> change Visibility to “Show
*if you need students to access…

3.       Instruct students to Login at to access their course

If Instructors need to make a Backup to Restore a Spring 2018 Class:
A. Login to and Choose: Backup
B. Download the .mbz file to your computer,
C. Go to Moodle 3, live production server,
D. Upload and Restore to your S18 course