Where is IT Services located?
Our new location is in Martinetti!!! When you come in the main entrance, hang a right and you'll find the Help Desk. Robert's office is still located in the ACC Lab above the Library.
What's the difference between JSC-Internet & JSC-Secure Wifi?
JSC offers two wireless connections to JSC users, JSC-Guest and JSC-Secure. Both connections require your device to be registered on our network. JSC-Guest works much better to register your device. Once registered you can disconnect and connect to JSC-Secure.
JSC-Guest is easier to connect to but is limited in that you can not connect to any JSC or VSC sites that require a login, this includes the Portal and Email.
JSC-Secure is encrypted and allows access to the Portal and JSC Email. This connection requires you to setup the connection by entering your JSC username and password and accepting the Aruba security certificate.
Where can I go to use a JSC Computer? When are labs open?
The Academic Computing Center is located on the second floor of the Willey Library and Learning Center. This laboratory is fully networked and equipped with 32 Windows 7 PCs. Black and white and color laser printing and scanning are available.
During the academic year, the Academic Computing Center is open during the following times: Monday — Thursday
8 a.m. — 11 p.m.
8 a.m. — 6 p.m.
10 a.m. — 6 p.m.
10 a.m. — 11 p.m.
*Hours are subject to change!
Other Computer Labs on Campus
Other PCs are available in the following locations.
*Check the facilities for their hours.
Windows PCs
•The Hotel & Tourism Management facility, located on the first floor of Martinetti Hall
• McClelland Hall, Room 122, located on the first floor of McClelland Hall
• The 24-Hour Study in the Willey Library and Learning Center
Dual boot, Windows or Mac OS PCs
• The Dibden MIDI lab, located on the second floor of Dibden Center for the Arts.
Mac OS PCs
• The Media Arts Research Studio (MARS) Lab on the ground floor of the LLC.
• A mini Mac lab, 6 Macintosh computers, in the Visual Arts Building.