Monday, December 11, 2017

Readable Web Page? Reader View.

I'm a pretty easily distracted -squirrel, where? - person, so when it's time to to read a website -in-depth- to try and gather good info I find myself clicking down the wormhole of "top 5 features of..." or "Subscribe to our newsletter...".

You too?

Readability or Reader View was created just for us!
What is readability?  Just what is sounds like...a super easy feature built into most web browsers & websites that cleans up the clutter/ads/wormholes and leaves the actual readable portion of the article.  Good ones also give you some preference settings, like font size, color, and WILL EVEN READ IT TO YOU!!!!!
How neat is that?
Pretty neat.
*It's actually way more than just cleaning up the web page, it's about Accessibility ->

How do I use this pretty neat feature?
The next time you click on a website with tons of distractions -squirrel- look in the URL bar for a "book" icon, sometimes the icon looks like a "paragraph".

 IF it's there, click it!  It's that easy.

What if it's not there?
Bummer.  "Readability" has actually been around for years, and used to be an add-on to make web browsing more accessible and user friendly.  The add-on has morphed into a built-in feature in most browsers now.
However, not all websites have 
And not all web browsers are created equal.  I use Firefox often, and here's what they offer:

Check it out on your nearest web browser...and stop chasing squirrels down the worm hole!!!!!!