*These instructions are for Laptops or Desktops (not devices with Apps...coming)
**Before you start be sure your laptop is plugged in and you have good Internet bandwidth...the process can take 20-30 minutes or more if the internet isn't fast!
#1 With any Web Browswer (ie Firefox) Login to your VSC webmail, either via the portal, or directly at https://mail.o365.vsc.edu
#2 Look for the "Gear" in the upper right, then click "Office 365"
#3 On the left look for "Install Status"
#4 Click "Install Desktop Applications"
#5 Click "Install"
**Please Note – The install may take a while (20+ minutes) depending on internet speed.
**Also note - Your VSC account limits you to 5 installs, which you can also manage at this location.
Please contact the helpdesk, 635-1415, or make a request, https://helpdesk.vsc.edu if you need further assistance.